Tax Season 2025
Claim your spot to have us prepare your tax return. Signup listGrab Your Tax Organizer
Tax Preparation
Tax Season 2025
Below is everything you need to know about getting on my list, pricing, what documents I need, how to send them, how to pay, etc. If you have any specific questions, feel free to reach out any time.
If you have interest in having me prepare your tax return for the upcoming tax season, please sign up using the link below. (If you need help filing a prior year tax return, send me an email.) I’ll be sending out more information as we get closer to tax season about my availability and next steps. You are under no obligation by signing up. This is how I set aside time to work on your tax return and spread out my workload. First come, first served!
What does it mean to be on the signup list?
A small percentage of my clients do not return the following year. Whether they closed their business and switched to DIY or got their brother-in-law to help for cheaper, the point is I have new spots open up every year. At the start of tax season I’ll give prior clients the chance to secure a spot first, and then I open it up to those on the list. You are not committed to anything by signing up. I’d love to help!
What You Can Expect
These ranges are meant to give you an idea of what tax preparation and e-filing will likely cost. Keep in mind that every return is different, and these are averages. See other service pricing detail here. Once you send me all your documents and details of any special circumstances, I can send you a quote beforehand upon request so there are no surprises.
Federal* + State
$350 and up
Federal + Sch. A + State
$400 and up
Federal + Sch. C + State
(includes sole proprietorships & single-member LLCs)
$550 and up
Additional Schedules (C,D,E)
Additional State Returns
Business Returns
(multi-member LLCs, S corps, etc.)
$800 and up
*“Federal” mainly refers to form 1040.
What You Should know
Note: Repeat clients should expect to see about a 10% increase in price compared to the prior year (all else equal).
While I love working virtually, it doesn’t seem to create the same urgency as a one-hour face-to-face meeting. That sometimes creates a situation of emailing back and forth unnecessarily. I will be clear in asking for any additional information I need once I have started your taxes. If I have to contact you multiple times to request the same information, I may need to charge a fee for the additional time.
What I’ll Need BeforeHand
Engagement Letters
Engagement letters, disclosure forms, and timliness agreement forms can be e-signed through my secure portal. Click here to see agreement forms.
Tax forms you receive
Any forms received in the mail or electronically (W-2, 1099, 1098, 1095-A, etc.)
Completed tax organizer
Once you create an account on my portal, I’ll send you a link to complete my tax organizer.
For New Clients
Complete every applicable section of my electronic client tax organizer.
Complete only those sections that apply to you. As you receive your tax documents (W-2s, Form 1099s, K-1s, brokerage statements, etc.), please collect them to send in conjunction with this organizer. Do not duplicate information already listed on tax forms.
For Current Clients
Unless something about your circumstances has changed significantly, I can usually use the current year version of the documents you sent me last year.
If your contact information or other information has not changed since the prior year, you can skip those sections of the organizer.
How To Send Documents
All documents can be sent and received through my secure portal
This is my secure portal where you will upload your documents and where you can download your tax documents when completed. I will send you a link to log in before tax season.

How To Send Payments
You can pay your invoice directly online.
When I send you the initial draft of your tax return, I will also email you an invoice that you can pay directly online via bank transfer, which is the most cost effective payment method. I can also accept payment through a variety of other electronic methods (some of which have a processing fee). The most common are:
Reserve Your Spot
Claim your spot to have me prepare your tax return.I can give assurance that your return will be filed by April 17th if I receive all of your information by March 15th. If you provide your documents after March 15th, I will likely be filing an extension for you, which gives us until October 16th to file your tax return.
Client Agreements preview
Client Agreement to Respond Timely to Requests
We believe in mutual respect in client relationships. We expect to meet your deadlines, and we require that you meet ours. Tax preparation is deadline sensitive, and it’s vital that you respond to these requests in a timely fashion to avoid any interference in our ability to work together.
We require that you provide your tax documents in their entirety to our office no later than Friday, March 15th, 2024 (February 15th for partnerships and S corps), or we may place you on an extension.
Here are some important reminders:
1. First come, first serve
In an effort to respectfully prioritize our workload, we will be preparing tax returns on a first come, first serve basis. We begin working on your tax return after the last remaining documents are submitted to our office. We are unable to accommodate rush requests.
2. No extension for the payment due date
An extension will only extend the due date for the filing of your tax return. An extension does not extend the due date to pay any tax owed. Late payment penalties apply in the event you do not full-pay your tax balance due by the due date of Monday, April 15th, 2024.
We ask that you contact our office as soon as you are aware that you are unable to meet this deadline for any reason. It is at our discretion whether or not we will be able to prepare your income tax return, and we will address these requests on a case-by-case basis. By signing below you agree to deliver your documents in their entirety to our office no later than Friday, March 15th, 2024 (February 15th for partnerships and S corps). If you are unable to meet this deadline, you acknowledge our office may file an extension of time to file your return.
Tax Preparation Engagement Letter
Thank you for choosing Tew Financial LLC to assist you with your taxes. This letter confirms the terms of our engagement with you and outlines the nature and extent of the services we will provide.
We will prepare your federal and state income tax returns. We will depend on you to provide the information we need to prepare complete and accurate returns. We may ask you to clarify some items but will not audit or otherwise verify the data you submit. An Organizer is available to help you collect the data required for your return. The Organizer will help you avoid overlooking important information. By using it, you will contribute to the efficient preparation of your returns and help minimize the cost of our services.
We will perform accounting services only as needed to prepare your tax returns. Our work will not include procedures to find defalcations or other irregularities. Accordingly, our engagement should not be relied upon to disclose errors, fraud, or other illegal acts, though it may be necessary for you to clarify some of the information you submit. We will inform you of any material errors, fraud, or other illegal acts we discover.
The law imposes penalties when taxpayers underestimate their tax liability. Contact us if you have concerns about such penalties.
Should we encounter instances of unclear tax law, or of potential conflicts in the interpretation of the law, we will outline the reasonable courses of action and the risks and consequences of each. We will ultimately adopt, on your behalf, the alternative you select.
Our fee is based on the time required at standard billing rates plus out-of-pocket expenses. Invoices are due and payable upon presentation. All accounts not paid within thirty (30) days are subject to interest charges to the extent permitted by state law.
We retain copies of your records and our work papers from your engagement for up to seven years, after which these documents will be destroyed.
If you have not selected to e-file your returns with our office, you will be solely responsible to file the returns with the appropriate taxing authorities. Review all tax-return documents carefully before signing them. Our engagement to prepare your tax returns will conclude with the delivery of the completed returns to you, or with e-filed returns, with your signature and our subsequent submission of your tax return.
To affirm that this letter correctly summarizes your understanding of the arrangements for this work, sign this letter in the spaces indicated.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, contact my office at 269-281-3903.
Mark Tew CPA
Tew Financial LLC
Disclosure Consent Form
We are well aware of the rules and restrictions involving the use and/or disclosure of your return information, and we take our obligations seriously. This letter is to bring you up to date on the rules that we must follow when handling your tax return information.
Client Disclosure and Consent.
The IRS has added provisions to the Tax Code designed to provide added safeguards regarding the transfer and use of your personal tax return information. The rules reaffirm that you control your tax return information, not us or the IRS. The rules ensure that you know who your tax return information may be shared with, with and without your consent, and when it may be shared with and without your consent.
These new rules give you even greater control over the use of your tax return information. Unless the law allows us otherwise (in very limited circumstances), we cannot disclose, without your signed permission, your tax return information to third parties for purposes other than for the purposes of preparing your tax return.
What is “Tax Return Information?”
Tax return information is all the information we obtain from you or other sources in any form or manner that is used to prepare your income tax return or is obtained in connection with the preparation of your return. It also includes all computations, worksheets, and printouts preparers create; correspondence from IRS during the preparation, filing and correction of returns; statistical compilations of tax return information; and tax return preparation software registration information. The rules allow us to make two types of disclosures:
(1) Certain disclosures requiring your consent; and
(2) Certain permissible disclosures without your consent.
Disclosures/Uses That Do Not Require Your Consent.
The only disclosures of your tax return information that we can make without your consent are to:
- The IRS and other taxing jurisdictions
- Disclosures permitted under another provision of the Tax Code
- The courts
- Disclosures for the purpose of obtaining legal advice
- In limited circumstances, other U.S.-based tax return preparers assisting in the preparation of your return
Disclosures/Uses Requiring Your Consent.
We must obtain your consent to disclose or use your return information to any third-party who is not a U.S. return preparer assisting in the preparation of your return. For example, if your mortgage lender, attorney, or bank contacts our office for information about your return, or asks for information from it, we must obtain your written consent beforehand. Moreover, you can establish the time at which you would like the consent to expire in the form itself. If you do not provide a specific date, your consent will lapse one year after the day you signed the form.
Consents to disclose or use your tax return information — paper or electronic — must contain certain specific information. Every consent form must include:
- The tax preparer’s name and the taxpayer’s name
- The nature of the disclosure(s)
- To whom the disclosures will be made
- Details on the information being disclosed
- The particular use authorized
- The product or service for which the tax return information will be used
If you have any questions about the rules regarding use and disclosure of your tax return information, please contact us as we’d be happy to address any concerns you may have.
Consent to disclosure of tax return information under IRC Section 7216 Disclosure Consent Requirements
In line with the IRS code and Federal law in the US, we request that you provide consent to us so that we can share your data with our international tax team to ensure your tax return is compliant.
Federal law requires this consent form be provided to you. Unless authorized by law, we cannot disclose your tax return information to third parties for purposes other than those related to the preparation and filing of your tax return without your consent. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information, Federal law may not protect your tax return information from further use or distribution.
You are not required to complete this form. Because our ability to disclose your tax return information to another tax return preparer affects the tax return preparation service(s) that we provide to you and its (their) cost, we may decline to provide you with tax return preparation services or change the terms (including the cost) of the tax return preparation services that we provide to you if you do not sign this form. If you agree to the disclosure of your tax return information, your consent is valid for the amount of time that you specify. If you do not specify the duration of your consent, your consent is valid for one year from the date of signature.
This consent to disclose may result in your tax return information being disclosed to a tax return preparer located outside the United States, including your personally identifiable information such as your Social Security Number (“SSN”). Both the tax return preparer in the United States that will disclose your SSN and the tax return preparer located outside the United States that will receive your SSN maintain an adequate data protection safeguard (as required by the regulations under 26 U.S.C. section 7216) to protect privacy and prevent unauthorized access of tax return information. If you consent to the disclosure of your tax return information, federal agencies may not be able to enforce United States laws that protect the privacy of your tax return information against a tax return preparer located outside of the United States to whom the information is disclosed.
If you agree to allow Tew Financial LLC to disclose your tax return information to Tew Financial LLC employees and contractors for the purpose of providing assistance in the preparation of your individual income tax returns, please sign and date this form.
If you believe your tax return information has been disclosed or used improperly in a manner unauthorized by law or without your permission, you may contact the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) by telephone at 1-800-366-4484, or by email at