Get On Top Of Your Tax Situation
If you’re an online seller wondering how to stop leaving money on the table, how to optimize your business finances, and achieve peace of mind, then you already know that you need to get on top of your tax situation.

Getting Ahead of Your Tax Situation is a Key Tipping Point
I’ll spare you the speech.
No need to convince you of something you already feel deep down in your soul and that maybe even keeps you up at night.
After all, you probably already KNOW that getting ahead of your tax situation is a key tipping point that will allow you to take all that energy spent worrying about taxes and refocus it on activities that will help you grow your business.
If you are like 90% of resellers, taxes are a constant frustration and worry. You KNOW that if you could just make that problem go away, that you would feel an immense burden lifted off your shoulders. Your ability to focus on the money-making activities of your business would be significantly enhanced.
You’ve probably also heard that there are legitimate opportunities to save thousands of dollars through deductions and purposeful optimization of your taxes. But do you know where to start?
Here’s What You Might Not Know
Optimizing your tax situation will often produce a direct positive impact on your time, your business profitability, and even your health.
The real value comes from educating yourself about how to optimize your tax situation and not get caught in a downward cycle of procrastination.
In this program, we discuss not only how to clean up a tax mess but also the simple ways to avoid finding yourself in that position again.
No more wondering if you can do this or that, because you’ll have knowledge that will give you confidence.
The relief that comes from knowing your finances are in order can work wonders for your how you feel, and in turn have a significantly positive effect on your business.
The increased confidence and extra time you’ll find will allow you to focus on what you’re good at, leading to positive growth and more dollars in your wallet.
Get Ahead of Your Reseller Taxes Once and For All
Even though the reasons to optimize your tax situation are obvious, the path to doing it successfully is anything but.
Perhaps in your most resolute moments, you’ve made the commitment to figure out how to dominate your taxes.
You did some online research, started a system for keeping receipts, and maybe even started keeping a spreadsheet to track expenses.
If you’re super committed, maybe you invested in some type of bookkeeping software, assuring yourself that you would learn how to use it and get caught up “someday.”
But even with the best intentions, many business owners attempting to learn the accounting & tax essentials on their own end up abandoning the noble quest before they see the results they want.
With everything you need to do to keep the business running, most online sellers find that figuring out how to manage their taxes falls to the bottom of the to-do list, and the nagging doubt in the back of the mind remains.
And even if they do manage to find time to catch up once and for all, without a super clear step-by-step plan, most reseller business owners get lost in the details or even fall victim to confusing, contradictory, and just plain bad internet advice.
You just aren’t clear on what exactly you need to do to optimize your taxes.
Once you get lost in the endless void of taxes, you are possibly missing out on huge tax saving opportunities or even creating red flags for the IRS. Therefore, optimizing your taxes correctly is one of the key actions for your business that you’ll want to get in order starting today.
Luckily for you, this is the perfect time! Wherever you are in your business, you can begin to reap the benefits of getting on top of your tax situation. Whether you feel like you are early or late, this is a golden opportunity for you to jump in, set up valuable systems, and turn this whole tax thing into one of your biggest strengths and savings opportunities.
The 4 Reasons Most Resellers Fail At Taxes
(and how to guarantee you won’t!)
You Don’t Know Where To Start
Optimizing your taxes isn’t always particularly complicated. But there are MANY moving pieces and potential failure points along the way.
What type of entity should I have? Do I need bookkeeping software? How do I pay myself? How much should I set aside for taxes? What if I haven’t been tracking anything?
There are just some of the MANY questions you’ll have to answer along the way.
Most resellers approach their accounting & taxes as just another “thing to do.” But the thing is, you can’t treat the financial piece of your business as something to check off the list. Doing it right is immensely valuable and will yield significant savings and peace of mind throughout the rest of your life.
Time to respect it for what it is – a critical component and OPPORTUNITY for your business – and approach it accordingly.
Good Information Is Hard To Find
Some information can be easily found online – such as how to make chocolate chip cookies or how to jump start a car. If you’ve ever tried searching for answers to your reseller tax questions, however, you may have had a different experience.
Even if you can find a few pieces of the puzzle, you might not be able to put them together. And you might second guess yourself about the pieces you do find. Or you might find some pieces that appear to be the perfect fit, but that in reality belong to a totally separate puzzle!
You can always go straight to the IRS website. Most of the answers are there. The problem is that there’s a massive amount of information to sift through, and most of it seems like it’s in a foreign language.
You may start to feel like comprehending your tax situation is beyond your reach. The good news is that it’s not!
If you had a step-by-step guide that explained what to do, in normal language, by someone familiar with YOUR business, the result would be night and day.
You Get Overwhelmed And Put It Off
I have personally surveyed thousands of business owners, and the pain point that is consistently at the top of the list of things they dread about their businesses is…you guessed it…taxes.
It’s only natural to gravitate toward the business activities we’re good at and enjoy. I know some resellers who LOVE shopping and sourcing inventory, so that’s all they do, and the numbers side of the business is neglected.
They might subconsciously believe that accounting, tax planning, and tax preparation are too complicated to even attempt, so they start to feel overwhelmed and ignore those aspects of the business.
The overwhelm isn’t inevitable. It comes from not being armed with the necessary knowledge. It comes from not having the appropriate tools.
Acquiring that knowledge and those tools is well within your ability, and once you do it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.
Taxes Are Complicated
Duh. This we know. What else is there to say? With a tax code that’s thousands of pages long (and publications explaining the tax code that are hundreds of pages long), it’s no wonder that we get glazed eyes and walk away.
Believe it or not, it is possible to break all that information down into relevant, understandable nuggets of wisdom that will help you run your business better.
Shh…I’m going to let you in on a little secret…
Even though business literacy education and tax planning is so crucial, most small business owners don’t properly take advantage of the opportunity to propel their businesses forward.
A few resellers buckle down and make it happen, while many others continue to struggle financially and even emotionally from not having a good tax plan in place.
And the main reason for this, as you’ve likely seen by now, is that while the barriers to getting started are relatively LOW…
…the barriers towards EFFECTIVE EXECUTION are fairly high.
But as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most would-be “tax-optimized” and stress-free resellers, the path is paved for you toward your new and improved tax mindset.
Taking action consistent with that mindset will allow you to achieve more freedom, create more income, and make an impact while scaling your reselling business to true profitability.
The key ingredient to all of this is optimizing your tax situation.
And with your permission, that’s what I’d LOVE to show you how to do.
Featured Client Testimonials

Introducing Reseller Tax Academy
The Complete Plan for Confidently Optimizing Your Taxes and Reclaiming Your Peace of Mind
Reseller tax academy isn’t a tax preparation training program. It’s a business & tax optimization implementation program.
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned, both as an online reseller and e-commerce CPA, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step program that not only teaches you the high level “why” behind reseller taxes, but also how you can take that and apply it to your reselling business for maximum results. Yes, you’ll learn the basics of reseller taxes, but more importantly, you’ll have a meticulous, step-by-step plan that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted as you implement it.
The end result: An incredibly efficient financial & tax structure that maximizes tax savings and yields benefits for the rest of your business’s life.

Reseller Tax Academy
is the only program of it’s kind that…
… allows you to sleep soundly.
I know first-hand that many resellers literally lose sleep from the stress of having no idea what’s going on with their taxes. We take care of that in the very first module, allowing you to be at peace as we continue to build on the optimization strategies.
… was created by an expert who knows the industry.
As a CPA with hundreds of reselling clients who I work with directly AND as someone with a reselling business of my own, I KNOW the biggest challenges facing resellers, and I teach you how to overcome each of them within the program.
… is built with focused, rapid implementation in mind.
No filler. No unnecessary modules, and no extraneous or premature strategies that look sexy on the surface, but do nothing but overwhelm you and sabotage your progress.
… teaches the “Why” behind the “What.”
This course isn’t about telling you which numbers to write in what box. It teaches not only the “What” but also the “Why” behind it, which empowers you to steer your business throughout the year in a direction that will optimize, and not damage, your financial and tax situation.
Ready to finally button up your business to avoid major tax pitfalls?
Featured Client Testimonials
Reseller Tax Academy Course Overview
What’s Inside Reseller Tax Academy
Module 1 – Introduction to Taxes
Connecting Taxes Directly to Your Success
Now that you are ready to turn this thing around, it’s important to understand how integrally connected taxes are to your overall success.
Here, you’ll more fully understand the importance of tax planning for your business and be motivated and empowered to take your business to the next level through optimizing your taxes.
Whether you work with a professional or are more of a do-it-yourself type, this module will help break it all down to help you validate which course of action will help your business attain maximum results.
Module Highlights
Understand how taxes relate directly to your ultimate goals.
Learn about the resources you can use to optimize your business without spending a fortune.
Download my Questions to ask a CPA cheat sheet, and ensure you are getting the right kind of help.
Module 2 – Tax Basics for Online Sellers
Laying Your Basic Tax Foundation
Now that you’ve caught the vision of just how much of a positive impact getting your tax ducks in a row can have, we continue to lay the foundation with the basic tax building blocks.
You’ll gain an understanding of which taxes you’re subject to, how they fit together with your business, and how to avoid surprises.
Most new resellers have a rude awakening at tax time. This is the module that teaches you how to steer clear of those shocking moments.
Module Highlights
Connect the dots from income tax to self-employment tax to avoid surprises,
Learn how sales tax affects you and how to manage it.
Understand what your tax responsibilities are during the year and how to easily check them off your list.
Module 3 – Getting Started – Assessing Your Current State
Evaluating Where You Are Now
Looking at your business through the lens of your new foundation will allow you to truly assess the current financial and tax state of your business.
You will consider aspects of your business you may not have thought about before.
Once you have a solid grasp on where your business is, you’ll have a clearer vision of what you need to do to get to where you need to be.
Module Highlights
Learn to distinguish a "hobby" from a "business" and see which is more beneficial for you.
See what it truly means to "set up a business" and how to do it correctly.Get a preview of the power that comes from knowing your numbers
Get a preview of the power that comes from knowing your numbers.
Module 4 – The Optimal Structure for Your Business
Determining the Best Business Structure
Business entity structure plays an important role in maximizing your reselling business potential. The misinformation on this topic is abundant, and in this module we will methodically drill down into the detail of each relevant type of business entity that you should consider.
Resellers leave massive savings opportunities on the table by not structuring their business properly, and this module will ensure that you are not one of them.
Module Highlights
Discover how to protect yourself with an LLC and if you need one.
Gain an understanding of the benefits and misconceptions surrounding S corporations.
Learn how to organize multiple businesses.
Module 5 – Inventory
Learning How to Deal with Your Inventory
There’s no getting around having to account for your inventory in this business.
Here, you’ll become an expert on how to deduct inventory, how to track inventory, and we’ll tackle the misconceptions surrounding inventory. You’ll come of out of it feeling confident about (rather than feeling like running away from) accounting for your inventory.
Module Highlights
Deduct & track all of your inventory properly to stay compliant and for maximum visibility.
Account for all of those personal items you sell and learn how to leverage them to reduce your tax bill.
Manage inventory donations and how to deduct them properly.
Module 6 – Deductions You Need to Know
Maximizing Your Business Deductions
Deductions are not the only piece to the tax optimization puzzle, but they are a significant one.
Resellers lose out on so much money because they either aren’t claiming all of the deductions they’re entitled to or they aren’t doing so correctly.
In this module, we dive in to the deductions that are absolutely crucial for resellers to know about and then some.
Module Highlights
Learn how to take advantage of the QBI deduction (worth 20% of your profit!).
Discover the truth about the home office deduction and how to maximize it.
Understand how to track and deduct mileage, meals, travel, and other common reseller deductions.
Module 7 – Cleaning Up a Tax Mess
Sorting Out Your Current Tax State of Affairs
You’ve now acquired essential tools that will enable you to build a future of financial efficiency and savings. But what about the mess that’s been accumulated up until now?
You definitely don’t want financial mistakes or tax errors coming back to bite you.
In this module, we’ll again put your mind at ease by dispelling the myth that the IRS is out to get you, and show you simple steps you can take to make those messy years go away.
Module Highlights
Secure peace of mind by reframing how you think about the IRS.
Learn the truth about IRS audits and how to be ready for them.
Implement simple proactive (rather than reactive) tax strategies anyone can use.
Module 8 – Knowing Your Numbers
Keeping Your Numbers at the Forefront
You’ve heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out.” You can’t do much tax optimizing if the numbers are a disaster. We need to get those books in order!
Accurate accounting is the foundation to successful tax planning and optimization. Being familiar with your numbers is ground zero for being confident in your business.
When you don’t know your numbers, you feel lost. You think you’re making money, or at least you hope you are. And it’s not just about knowing if you are profitable or not. Knowing your numbers opens the potential for all kinds of beneficial decision making.
Module Highlights
Follow the basics of where to start with bookkeeping setup and day-to-day operation.
Track and review your numbers for maximum insight into what's driving your business.
Analyze your business trends, make decisions based on that information, and the follow through by taking action.
Module 9 – Putting it All Together
Combining Everything You’ve Learned and Taking Action
There are many moving pieces to efficiently and effectively optimizing your business for long-term financial and tax savings.
In this module, we put it all together using a step-by-step road map you can follow to jump into action on your way to being fully optimized, paired with that tranquil peace of mind that has been so elusive until now.
Module Highlights
Use my Getting Started Checklist to get you started on your way to being properly organized and fully optimized.
Internalize the steps you can take right now, and see them in the context of the bigger picture.

The Reseller Tax Academy 30-Day CPA Guarantee
Upon enrollment, you’ll have immediate access to all nine modules. Meaning you’ll have opportunity jump in and instantly start making improvements in your business.
If you don’t feel totally confident and motivated to take your reselling business to the next level, simply reach out, show us you’ve put in the work, and we’ll refund your investment. Full details here.
Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today…
$19/mo thereafter (cancel any time)
Course Lifetime Access
You will have access to all modules and lesson resources for the lifetime of the course. Tax law is dynamic and changing, and so is this course. It will continue to be updated and enhanced with resources, all of which you will have access to.
$2,000 Value
$17/mo thereafter (cancel any time)
One of the biggest benefits of the program is the live interaction component. I will host a monthly live zoom call discuss and answer all questions regarding what you learn in the modules.
$3,000 Value
financial insiders FACEBOOK GROUP
In addition to the live Q&A sessions, you’ll also have access to me and my team who will be there to support you with both written and video responses to your questions as you work through your tax questions. No more waiting on hold!
$1,500 Value
Total Value: $6,500
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to the course for just:
Pay Monthly
5 Monthly Payments of
Pay Upfront
1 Payment of

Frequently Asked Questions
What online sellers asked before signing up for Reseller Tax Academy.
What if I don't know where to start?
Then you’ve come to the right place! This is where you start. The program walks you through the basics of how taxes fit into the big picture, questions you should be asking, the most important deductions, how to clean up a tax mess, how to deal with the IRS, and the accounting that makes it all possible.
How much time does the program take?
The total running time is nearly 5 hours. It is broken up into 9 separate modules, each with its own lessons. You also have the option of attending the weekly live Q&A sessions that correspond with each module. If you dedicated just 10 minutes every day, you could finish the course in less than one month. Relative to the positive financial results you will achieve from putting the course principles into practice that will compound year after year, the time commitment is a no-brainer.
What if I don't do my own taxes?
This course is a must whether or not you prepare your own taxes. This is not a course about tax preparation. It’s a course about how to operate your business stress free throughout the year in order to be in a spot, so that when you (or someone else) does prepare your taxes, you will see maximum savings.
Should I take this course if I already have a CPA?
Absolutely! You need to know how to communicate with them and how to understand what they are trying to communicate to you. This course will help you do that effectively whether or not you work regularly with a professional. The most effective types of CPA-reseller relationships are those where BOTH are working together to optimize the taxes and accounting.
What if I haven't started selling yet?
Even better! You have the advantage of learning right from the start about how to set up your taxes and your business in an optimal way that will save you countless hours and dollars down the road.
What if I only sell online part time?
Yes 🙂 A business is a business, whether you are doing it full time or part time. Most online sellers start out on a part time basis, and there’s no better time to make sure your tax and business structure are operating optimally. Nearly every full-time reseller started out as part time. Most of them wish they wouldn’t have waited to get their taxes and books in order.
What if I'm not making a profit?
This program is for you! It will help you make sure you are optimizing your taxable profit (or loss) by leveraging all available deductions and also by focusing on long term tax process & planning techniques to make your business generally more profitable.
What makes this course better than other tax or bookkeeping courses out there?
This course was specifically designed BY a CPA reseller FOR other resellers. Reseller Tax Academy has already allowed thousands of students to ditch the stress, optimize their taxes, and focus confidently on their businesses. You will have lifetime access to all course enhancements and upgrades that will reflect tax changes you need to be aware of.
When will I receive access to the modules after purchasing?
Immediately. There is no module “drip” schedule (making modules available over time). You’ll be able to get started right away with nothing holding you back.
So what exactly do I get when I sign up today?
You will receive immediate, unlimited access to all module lessons (see descriptions above), access to the private Facebook group, and access to the monthly live module Q&A sessions.
Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today…
$19/mo thereafter (cancel any time)
Course Lifetime Access
You will have access to all modules and lesson resources for the lifetime of the course. Tax law is dynamic and changing, and so is this course. It will continue to be updated and enhanced with resources, all of which you will have access to.
$2,000 Value
$17/mo thereafter (cancel any time)
One of the biggest benefits of the program is the live interaction component. I will host a monthly live Q&A to discuss and answer all questions regarding what you learn in the modules.
$3,000 Value
In addition to the live Q&A sessions, you’ll also have access to a community of members who are serious about growing their online selling businesses and who understand the importance of having a solid numbers foundation.
$1,500 Value
Total Value: $6,500
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to the course for just:
Pay Monthly
5 Monthly Payments of
Pay Upfront
1 Payment of

Reseller Tax Academy Is Perfect For You If…
You are just getting started selling online
You want to make sure you are NAILING IT so that you yield maximum tax savings and reclaim your peace of mind.
You are already neck deep in your reselling business
(or maybe your death pile or receipts you’ve been saving), but you’re less than confident about your processes, and you are ready to finally be on top of your tax and accounting once and for all.
You already KNOW you need to get your tax situation straightened out
It’s ever present in the back of your mind, but you’ve put it off because you just don’t see a clear path forward.
You work hard
Your business is growing as a direct result of your efforts (or you know it will when you dive in). You’re willing to put in the time to do it right.
In fact, you're ALREADY investing time and energy
You are scared to death of taxes
or feel constant stress about them. It could be anything from the occasional jarring thought that you’re behind to actually losing sleep because you’re so stressed about taxes.
You are excited about the idea of understanding.
Understanding what’s going on, saving time, and maximizing your tax savings.
You want to redirect all the energy spent worrying
You're ready to dive in
and take the actions necessary to help you reclaim peace of mind, feeling confident that you have 30 days to test it out.
Did any of those sound familiar?
If you said “yes” to at least 6 of the above, I can’t wait to meet you inside Reseller Tax Academy.
About The Instructor
Mark Tew (that’s me) is a CPA, CFP® practitioner, and Enrolled Agent who specializes in helping online sellers become more profitable. With a growing online selling business of his own, he understands the unique tax and accounting challenges facing online sellers.
With an accounting degree and MBA in finance, he has worked in both public accounting and corporate finance at Fortune 500 companies. He now works almost exclusively with online sellers.
He hosts the free Facebook group Accounting for Online Sellers, a community of online sellers looking to learn about the right way to manage the tax & business side of things.
He likes to pretend that he still skateboards and plays volleyball just as well as he did in high school. He also enjoys working out, eating pizza, and spending time with the fam.
Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today…
$19/mo thereafter (cancel any time)
Course Lifetime Access
You will have access to all modules and lesson resources for the lifetime of the course. Tax law is dynamic and changing, and so is this course. It will continue to be updated and enhanced with resources, all of which you will have access to.
$2,000 Value
$17/mo thereafter (cancel any time)
One of the biggest benefits of the program is the live interaction component. I will host a monthly live Q&A to discuss and answer all questions regarding what you learn in the modules.
$3,000 Value
In addition to the live Q&A sessions, you’ll also have access to a community of members who are serious about growing their online selling businesses and who understand the importance of having a solid numbers foundation.
$1,500 Value
Total Value: $6,500
But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to the course for just:
Pay Monthly
5 Monthly Payments of
Pay Upfront
1 Payment of